The Best Sex Timing Tablets in Pakistan

The Pakistani government is concerned about the sale and distribution of best timing tablets. There are many pharmacies across Pakistan that have stopped stocking them due to their high potency. Various health organizations in Pakistan as well as from abroad have raised concerns over the side effects of the pills, which are used by teenagers to delay or prevent orgasm during sex. There have been multiple cases of teenage suicide because of their use. Recently, the government issued a circular to all local pharmacies not to sell or distribute timing pills to teens under the age of 18.

Health officials believe that the circular was only meant to announce a temporary suspension on the supply of timing medicine in Pakistan to tackle the problem of premature ejaculation in those who cannot get it with the aid of other methods. The circular did not specify the exact amount of time that these pills should be taken. So in theory, any pharmacist could sell them to students and young adults in Pakistan. This is not the first time that Pakistan's government has issued a circular to curb the selling of such drugs to young people. In fact, the previous government had banned the sale and distribution of the same drugs to protect the younger generation from acquiring them.

The circular does not specify how parents or guardians should act to ensure that their teenagers do not acquire this condition. Pakistan has one of the highest instances of teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in Asia. Teenagers are increasingly resorting to sex before marriage in order to reduce the number of kids they will have to pay during childbirth. So while it may not be possible for sex timing pills to provide a permanent solution to the problem of premature ejaculation, it can certainly lower the rates of STDs.

The sale and distribution of sex time delay tablets in Pakistan drugs has not yet been banned. This is according to a communique issued by the representative of the Islamabad provincial cabinet on 8 November. The representative has also asked the National Commission for License Registration and Acceptance of Birth Information that all pharmacies selling such drugs must register with the institution. He has also demanded that the manufacturers of these pills must make mandatory lab examinations for all male patients who intend to purchase such tablets. The examinations are to determine whether males are suffering from untimely ejaculation or not. If the examinations confirm the problem, then the commission expects the manufacturer to take appropriate measures to address the issue.

It is evident from this communique that the provincial chief is only interested in ordering good quality medicines from reputed manufactures. This is good news for buyers because only reputed companies sell genuine medicines. It would not be wrong to assume that only reputable and trustworthy companies would be able to provide quality medications. It is also good to note that the Pakistan government has made proper inquiries and found that these companies manufacture legitimate products. It would be wrong to assume that only legitimate suppliers can avail of government licenses and obtain permits to operate pharmacies in Pakistan.

The recent communique does not indicate any intention by the government or the medical establishment to stop the sale of sex time delay tablets in Pakistan. It is however important to ensure that whatever medicines are sold off-the-shelf are genuine. Further, it would be advisable to stock up on genuine stuff, as counterfeits are very easy to produce and sell. This is especially true for the production of antibiotics and cancer treatment drugs.


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